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"Perhaps it was meant as a warning for the rest of
"Some warnin' if yer don't tell nobody! Anyways,
then Nelly turns up dead, an' I'm called t' the morgue, an'
there's coppers runnin' all over the 'ouse. Shocked 'er it did,
The House in Birdgate Alley Anel Viz
that much I'm sure of. 'Ad yer fun with me cock now,
Doctor? Ready to stick yer finger up me bum? Don't be
shy. I'm used to it. Yer won't 'urt me none."
He bent over and spread his buttocks wide with
both hands. I applied some petroleum jelly to my finger and
placed it on the opening. It slipped in, and he wriggled up
against it, turning to wink at me as he did.
I find the human anus of both sexes even less
attractive than the penis, but Johnny Rice's shapely rump&
I've said enough. I assure you, however, that I could detect
no evidence of his having engaged in any but the usual
perversions with his most recent client.
Mrs. Lansing was relieved when I told her her boys
were clean. "You're off the hook. My patient must have
picked up the filthy disease elsewhere, or got it from the
drowned boy. A colleague in the Coroner's Office will
provide the information. The autopsy will have found if he
was infected."
* * * *
I had much to think about, so I decided to walk as
far as the river before hailing a cab to take me to Sussex
Gardens. I sensed someone following me. I looked back
The House in Birdgate Alley Anel Viz
and saw the Scotsman who'd dawdled so long over his
frolics with Johnny Rice. A few more blocks convinced me
I was not mistaken. I turned, and he looked quizzically at
me. I strode up to him, determined to demand an
Before I could open my mouth he said, "Hello,
Cousin John. I'm glad to know my disguise is effective."
"Yes, I've been to see Johnny Rice."
"He didn't say a word to me."
"No, he wouldn't. Who would have thought to find
such a noble character in a renter? Your initial impression
of the lad was spot on. He's bright, and anxious to help in
any way he can. I've enlisted his aid. If he does well, I shall
continue to use him in future, for I find this detective
business most enjoyable. My first case won't be my last.
Funny, our paths crossing like that. I could use someone
like our young Mr. Rice, a reliable and intelligent member
of the lower classes who could gather information in the
less fashionable parts of London without arousing
I had not expected my cousin to show so much
enthusiasm, neither for the lad nor criminal investigations.
"Reliable? In this case, yes," I agreed, "since the murdered
The House in Birdgate Alley Anel Viz
boy was a friend of his. But, Cyril, the fellow is a
"And who better qualified to move among the
criminal element? No, Cousin, Johnny will do admirably.
He's honest  I mean he has principles, in spite of his
"I should hardly call how he earns his living a
"His trade, then. In any case, I believe I can answer
for his loyalty, and that's what counts the most. You'll see
for yourself once you've seen more of him and got to know
him better."
"I've seen quite enough of him already, thank you.
More than enough."
Cyril obviously caught my meaning, for he smiled,
wickedly, I thought, with a twinkle in his eye, much the
same smile he had given when he tipped Johnny Rice.
"Oh," he said, "I think you shall  be seeing him again, that
is before I've closed the case." Then suddenly changing
the subject, he asked, "By the way, did you sample the
Malaga? A superlative vintage, I wish I could have
savoured it. Contraband, obviously."
"You think so? Then I'm surprised the police didn't
confiscate it when they searched the house."
The House in Birdgate Alley Anel Viz
"Surely they would not have left it in plain sight.
Besides, Scotland Yard did not go there looking for
contraband. They were investigating a murder."
"Perhaps it arrived afterward."
"That must be it. Now let's get a cab, and you'll tell
me what you learned just now at Mrs. Lansing's and about
your meeting with the Cockburn boy."
He listened intently, nodding at my every sentence.
"Capital!" he said when I revealed that Cock Robin
and Lord Alfred were lovers. "Then we can rely on him as
well. I was hoping we could."
"You knew of their relationship, then?"
"I thought you understood that, dear boy. Didn't you
catch my implication? They'll be down for the vacation in a
few weeks, and I'll put them to work immediately if we
haven't finished this business already. Now that I've
established the murderer's identity I can put my plan into
action. Johnny Rice will be in mortal danger, and someone
must keep an eye on him round the clock. That will be their
job. Fortunately, we have a week or so of grace, if not
more." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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