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what I was doing or any memory of agreeing to do it. It was all a hazy blur for a while.
I remember that the spoiled rich guy had a big, sleek, hunter-green Jaguar
sedan. And I remember that the Jaguar had a big, cushy back seat. And I remember
that I was suddenly naked and that one of the bodyguards was under me on the seat
and holding me in a full Nelson and that the spoiled rich kid was half naked and was
crouched above me and my legs were being wishboned and that he was fucking me
hard and roughly. And I remember the glint of a knife, and the door to the back seat
opening and a whole lot of yelling by a lot of people.
But the next thing I remember was waking up in sort of a lounge type room and
Mike, the cowboy bartender, swabbing my forehead with a damp, cool cloth.
 Seeing better? he was asking me. The voice seemed far away at first, but it got
stronger and his handsome face, supporting a very concerned expression, was coming
more into focus.
 What? Who? I spluttered. I was laying on some sort of day bed, completely
naked. It took me a moment to come to grips with being naked, and I wasn t fully able to
reason it out.
Mike pushed me back down with a firm grip on my upper arms, though. He was
sitting on the daybed beside me.
 Shush, he said.  Give it a moment or two. You ll come out of it soon enough, I m
sure. And be good as new.
 What . . . ? I repeated dumbly.
 I saw him slip you that Mickey in your beer, Mike said.  I saw you leave with him
and his goons, but it didn t fully register for several minutes. I was slinging drinks pretty
rapidly. But then it hit me that I thought I saw him put something into your drink and I got
a couple of guys together and we found him doing you in his car. I m not sure what he
planned after he was finished, but I m sure it wouldn t have been pretty. Benji is known
far and wide for making guys just disappear.
 But why then . . .? I was beginning to come out of my drugged state, but I didn t
have it all together yet.
 Benji s dad owns this town. He s the mayor and first citizen all rolled into one.
And he owns the local law, too. The best we could do is pull you out of that car. That
can t be taken any further. Not with Benji.
 But you saved my life, I said, pretty much fully lucid now.  You could have just
let me go, but you came out and saved me.
I was overcome with the moment, and I reached up and brought his face down to
mine and we kissed hungrily.
We made long, initially frantic and eventually languid love there on the daybed.
He covered my face and torso with kisses, and I opened my legs to him and pulled him
deep inside me, and we bucked and groaned and moaned, and he rode me hard like
the cowboy he was.
I would not have to lie to Doug after all about having had a fully satisfying night
on the town.
Chapter 13
After multiple failed bids to slip out of the control of Donatien s coven and the
pain of the fallout for having tried, it was tempting to just give up and give in and hope
that Donatien would lose interest in toying with Doug and me. But opportunities were
beginning tantalizingly to fall into place, and the curiosity that had gotten me into this
mess was beginning to work its way on the possibility of both revenge and escape.
After Cowboy Mike s brave act of saving me from the clutches of the vengeful
mayor s son, it no longer was safe for him to work at Ricky s or be seen much in the
nearby town at all, so I felt honor-bound to invite him to live with Doug and me. And this
turned out to be doubly advantageous. Mike proved to be a sensitive lover and
companion to both Doug and me, and his ministrations to Doug worked wonders on my
lover s recovery and regathering libido. Just as important, however, my mind had been
mulling various schemes for revenge and a flash exit, but everything I could think of
required help, and it would be a long time before Doug could take on this role. Mike,
who had been roughly and dishonestly taken by Donatien s men was all too eager to
help out.
I had already been working on bits and pieces of a loosely conceived plan. Doug
and I both had passports already and as soon as I had recruited Mike to a plan in
principle, he applied for one as well. And I had been taking full advantage of the times
Donatien had summoned me to his mansion for sex. Most often it was Donatien himself
who wanted to fuck me in his own quarters. I was only taken by anyone else as a
reward bestowed by Donatien. I had used the opportunity of his brief absences from his [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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