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He d not wanted to disappoint Cathrynn, but it couldn t be helped. Cooper had made him
an appointment with the bookkeeper tomorrow, and everything must be in order so he
could find any discrepancies between his books and Mr. Jordan s. He hadn t been able to
concentrate on the numbers, instead seeing the excitement on his wife s face that he d had
to erase for the sake of business.
Rubbing a hand over his face, he trained his eyes on the book before him. The
columns of numbers were a puzzle to him, one he had never quite been able to solve, and
that knowledge made him feel stupid and inferior. Cooper never missed a chance to point
out that the former Lord Willoughby had always kept his books in excellent order, right
down to the last shilling. And wasn t it a shame that his successor could make hide nor
hair of a few simple columns of numerals. Duncan s bookkeeper, of course, was too
polite to actually say anything to him about it, but the surprised looks on his face were
enough. He d endured too many of those uncomfortable meetings to count, and he
refused to do it any longer. Let Cooper handle it!
Closing the book with a snap, he put it firmly back into the drawer and shut it. As
lord of the manor, he could take time off whenever the hell he wanted, and he wanted to
right now, damn it! He set out to find Cathrynn, determined to take her to a nice dinner in
town. In the hallway, he passed Cooper.
 Finished with the books so soon, my lord? he asked stiffly.
 No, Duncan answered, attempting to walk past him.
The butler boldly stepped in front of him, barring his way.  Lord Willoughby, it is
a matter that must be attended to immediately. The books will not correct themselves.
Your grandfather--
Duncan stepped up to the tall man until he was looking directly into his eyes.  I
am not my grandfather, and you would do well t remember that, he said firmly, pushing
past the servant who stood wide-eyed and shocked, for the young nobleman had never
stood up to him before.
Duncan knocked on his lady s bedchamber door and walked in, surprised to see
she was not there. As he turned to leave, a note on the vanity caught his attention.  My
darling, it read,  meet me in the orchard when your business is done.
He smiled and headed toward the orchard, not stopping to wonder about the light
bounce to his step. As he entered the large apple orchard, the sun was setting low on the
Midnight Whispers Lynette Marie
sky, the smell of the crisp fall afternoon surrounding him. He reached up and plucked a
ripe red apple from a tree, realizing he hadn t eaten all day long. Turning a bend, he saw
Cathrynn curled up on a blanket beneath a large tree, her attention on a book she held in
her hands. Next to her on the blanket sat a large picnic basket. His smile started on his
handsome lips and made its way to his midnight blue eyes, which crinkled slightly at the
corners.  What s all this? he asked lightly.
Cathrynn looked up from the book, startled by his sudden presence.  Duncan! I
didn t expect you so soon.
He sat down beside her.  I ve had such a busy week, I grew tired of working. I m
sorry I had to postpone our trip yet again, sweetheart. We ll go tomorrow, you have my
 I understand you have important work, and I won t count on going until we are in
the carriage and well on our way.
He rested the palm of his hand on her cheek, his thumb caressing her high
cheekbone.  Nothing could stop me from spending my time with you tomorrow, my
lady, he said softly.  Of that you can feel most assured.
Unable to speak for the tears that sprung to her eyes, Cathrynn busied herself
preparing the lunch Marian had packed for them.  I thought you might be hungry, since
you missed both breakfast and lunch. I do think Marian went a bit overboard, though,
with the chicken, potatoes, corn, and a whole apple pie! she babbled.
Duncan easily proved that Marian had not gone overboard, indeed. After he ate
the remaining food, he helped Cathrynn pack the dishes and leaned against the tree, a sigh
of contentment escaping from his lips. Spreading his legs, he pulled Cathrynn between
them, resting his hands on her stomach.
 Duncan! Don t make such a display. Someone will surely see us!
 We re merely sitting on the ground together, watching the sunset. Besides, all
the orchard hands finish their chores well before dark and will be home having their own
dinner by now. Just relax with me.
Cathrynn relented, leaning against him and relishing the feel of his strong body
against hers. The heat emanating from him kept her warm as the evening chilled a bit, and
she did relax and watch the sun dip lower into the horizon. A soft wind blew, showering
them with a gift of multicolored leaves, one landing in Cathrynn s golden hair. Duncan
drew his hands up to pluck it, but found he liked it there.  Turn around and let me see
you in your natural splendor, he said huskily. She turned in his arms, and he couldn t
help but capture her soft lips with his own, gently tasting her lower lip with his tongue.
Desire spread white-hot through him as she returned his kiss with wild abandon. Her
long, silky strands of hair caressed his cheek as his lips moved to her throat, delighting in
the fresh smell of her. His hands were everywhere; he couldn t touch her enough. They
moved from her cheek, down her slender arm, to her soft, ample bosom. He was like a
man possessed.
He had to have her.
Right now.
Cathrynn offered no complaint as he feverishly rid her of her clothes, but matched
his enthusiasm. Her hands roamed over his hard, muscular body, reveling in his strength.
She wanted him so very much, loved him so very much, and gave everything of herself to
Midnight Whispers Lynette Marie
him. Did he understand what she was trying to tell him with her body? Did he know of
the great gift she bestowed upon him, her undying love? Cathrynn cried out softly as they
became one, her eyes locked with Duncan s unable t read the emotion held there but
certain that this time, he felt something more. His grip tightened about her as he stared
into her eyes, eyes that brimmed with tears of joy and love. She cried out his name as
their passion played itself out, holding him as if she would never let him go. And she
never would, she vowed. Some way, somehow, she would make him love her. And as
she gazed again into his eyes before he fell into a contented sleep, she felt that maybe she
didn t have quite as far to go as she had once thought.
As Cathrynn drifted in a state between sleep and consciousness, the sound of
approaching footsteps brought her around, a surprised cry escaping her lips as a shadow
fell across their naked bodies. Duncan started, immediately assessing the situation and
drawing the blanket over his wife, tucking her protectively into the crook of his arm.
A full moon was reigning now, casting the intruder s face in both light and
darkness, but there was no mistaking who he was.
 Cooper, Duncan growled.  What is the meaning of this?
He shrugged his stiff shoulders nonchalantly, but the gleam in his eyes was
impudent.  I was merely having a quiet walk when I heard strange noises coming from
the orchard and chose to investigate. Imagine my surprise to find my lord and my lady in
such a compromising position.
Duncan s eyes narrowed dangerously.  We are legally wed, and upon our own
property. To my estimation, you are the only one in a compromising position, Cooper.
Now leave us, he demanded. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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