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If I were you, Windrush, I'd put everything I had into defending those groves.
The dragon gazed at the spirit's kuutekka. Do you know exactly where they're
planning to attack? Or when?
Hodakai seemed to stare him right in the eye. I do not, dragon.
Not exactly. But I would guard your most preciouswhat do you call it-the
Valley of Light? The Nail, I think, would have great pleasure in taking that
place from you.
A direct assault upon the dragons' main strength? The Enemy might well be
feeling that confident, after his recent victory. Windrush growled inwardly.
Tell me something else, Hodakai. What do you know of the Enemy's web of
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The spirit pulsed. What would you like me to know of it?
How close is it to completion? Windrush asked sharply.
This is important! Not just to us, but to the realms beyond, as well!
Hodakai seemed reluctant to answer. He danced silently, until
Windrush grew impatient. At last he said, I don't know, dragon. But I
don't ... think you have much time.
Windrush stared at him.
Anything else? the spirit asked.
Windrush drew up his kuutekka to depart. No. But if you learn more, tell me.
Hodakai-you've been very helpful. We won't forget it.
I'll bet you won't, Hodakai thought as the dragon vanished into the
underrealm. I'll bet you won't. Not when you pick yourself up from the
ruins. You'll remember for a long time what happens when you try to
double,cross me.
You'll remember, all right.
He danced with excitement; the danger made his spirit quiver and soar. The
question about the web of power had almost thrown him-especially the business
about its endangering his own realm. But he remembered the iffling's words,
warning him of the dragons'
treachery, and his mind was made up. It all seemed so clear now.
There was only one person he would serve, and that was Hodakai the rigger.
And now it was time to call Rent and tell him what had happened.
just as soon as he had spent a little time recovering his equilibrium.
just as soon as he had flown a bit in the rigger-net of his mind, diving and
soaring and reveling in the ultimate freedom of the Flux....
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Chapter 26
FIST OF TAR-Skel FullSky FOLLOWED the underrealm thread as it wound away from
the Dark Vale and climbed toward a glowering, truculent sky.
It was an extremely fine, silvery thread, only intermittently visible.
To most eyes it would not have been visible at all, but FullSky's long
experience in the underrealm had taught him to perceive trails that others
just for an instant, before starting along this path, he had glimpsed at its
other end the presence of something he was willing to risk his life to
reach-the Dream Mountain.
What he was doing now was extraordinarily dangerous.
Having slipped away from the fire and shadow of Tar-skel's dungeons and the
camouflaging commotion of the Enemy's lesser servants, he was venturing into
an open sky where watchful eyes might notice him more easily. He was still
tied by a thin wisp of his kuutekka to his physical body in the dungeon, but
he could think of no way to protect that lifeline, except by trying not to be
seen. He assumed that there would be guardians somewhere along this thread,
and he did not wish to lose his newfound freedom through carelessness.
The path had not been easy to follow, but once he'd felt his way past the
upturn in the spidery thread, and risen out 'of the murky confusion of the
dungeon's underrealm, the rest of the Mountain-concealing sorcery had come
into focus quickly enough. It was as if he had climbed up and out of a foggy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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