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this, the king gave him an extra sum of money and sent him out to catch the
Fear Maker went home and told all this to his partner.  All right, said Little
Archer,  be on your way!  Aren t you coming too? asked the surprised
Fear Maker.  No, I won t go, he replied,  but I will give you a perfect
plan. You must do exactly as I say.  I will, my little friend. Please tell me,
said the big front man.
The clever little dwarf said to his friend,  Go to the district of the tiger, but
don t rush straight to his home by yourself. Instead, gather together a
thousand local villagers and give them all bows and arrows. Take them
directly to the tiger s home. But then you must let them go on ahead while
you hide in the underbrush.
 The local villagers will be very afraid of the tiger. When they see him they
will surround him and beat him. Being so terrified, they won t stop beating
him until he s dead!
 Meanwhile you must cut a piece of vine with your teeth. Then come out of
hiding and approach the dead tiger, holding the vine in your hand. When
you see the tiger s body, shout at the people,  Hey! Who has killed the tiger?
I was going to capture him with this vine and lead him like a bull to the
king. That s why I ve been searching in the jungle. Now tell me who has
killed the tiger before I could get here with my vine.
 The villagers will be easily frightened by this. They will say,  Lord Fear
Maker, please don t tell the king! Then they will give you a big bribe to be
quiet. Thinking you have killed the dangerous tiger, King Brahmadatta will
also reward you greatly. This was the tricky plan of the clever Little
Fear Maker did exactly as he had been instructed. The man-eating tiger was
killed, and fear was removed from that part of the king s highway. Followed
by a big crowd he returned to the king and said,  Your majesty, I have
killed the tiger and made the jungle safe for people again. The king was
pleased and gave him a huge reward.
Before long there were similar complaints about a buffalo who threatened
another royal road. Again the king sent Fear Maker. Following Little
Archer s strategy he did exactly as before. He took credit for killing the
buffalo and was greatly rewarded again by the grateful king.
By this time Fear Maker had become a very rich and powerful nobleman.
All the wealth and praise, which he didn t really deserve, soon went to his
head. He became intoxicated with his own conceit. and began thinking he
was a  big man in his own right. He even looked down on Little Archer
and ignored his advice. He said to him,  You think this is all because of
you. But I don t need you. I can do all this without you! He had come to
believe the appearance created by Little Archer s plan.
Then it happened that an enemy king attacked. He surrounded the city of
Benares with his army. He sent a message to King Brahmadatta that he must
either surrender his kingdom or wage war. The King of Benares ordered his
greatest hero, Fear Maker, to go out and fight the enemy.
Fear Maker was dressed in full military armour. He mounted the mightiest
armoured war elephant. Little Archer knew that the ungrateful conceited
braggart, called Fear Maker. was really scared to death underneath. So he
too mounted the elephant and sat behind Fear Maker. The mighty elephant
walked through the city gates towards the battlefield, followed by a big
When Fear Maker heard the huge noise made by the war drums, he began
trembling with fear. To keep him from falling off the elephant and being
killed, Little Archer tied a rope around him and held him with it.
When Fear Maker saw the field of battle he was overwhelmed by the
terrible fear of death. So much so, that he couldn t help but release his
bowels and urinate at the same time - all over the back of the poor brave war
The Enlightenment Being said,  Before you bragged and spoke roughly like
a big man. But now, the only big thing you do is make a filthy mess all over
this elephant s back! Your present actions prove your past appearance was
Fear Maker had embarrassed himself. Little Archer had humbled him by
speaking the truth. But he couldn t help feeling sympathy for him. He said,
 Don t be afraid anymore, my friend. With me to protect you, your life is
safe. Climb down from the elephant and go home and take a bath.
Alone atop the great elephant, the Enlightenment Being thought,  Now is
the time to show what is in the heart of this hunchbacked little dwarf!
Shouting mightily as he rode he charged into the field of battle. Without
killing any men or animals, he crashed through the enemy s defences. He
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