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carelessly across the chair at his right, and was busy undoing his jeans.
 Oh, no. No, I don t think so. Spinning around, she reached for the handle on the
door, gave it a twist and pulled.
He slapped his palm against the door just to the left of her head. The knob slid
from her fingers. The door closed with a snap.  Where are you going?
 I can t sleep in the same room as you.
 Why not? With his hand above her head, he leaned in, effectively trapping her
between his body and the door. His musky scent enveloped her. His warm chest
pressed against the back of her arms.
 This is where your mother put my bag? We re not& You can t let her think& 
 That I want you in my bed? I do want you in my bed.
Oh, God. The raw hunger in his voice had her eyes drifting shut. For a moment,
everything else faded away as she imagined his weight pressing down on her, those
long fingered hands gripping her hips as his hard-as-a-rock body slid over her. Into
Heat spread through her belly.
Her nipples.
Between her legs.
He stepped closer. One hand held the door closed as the other skimmed over her
shoulder and down her arm. He tipped his head and put his mouth to her ear,
breathing heavy.  I ve been looking at you all day. Watching you smile and laugh with
my family. I can t help but think that if things had been different, I wouldn t have to
wonder what you look like without that dress. His tongue flicked across her earlobe.
 What you taste like.
She let out a helpless moan. Then his thumb shifted from the inside of her arm to
deliberately brush across the outside of her breast, and her knees went weak.  You& 
She couldn t breathe. She had to drag in oxygen to speak.  You already know what I
taste like.
 Not all of you.
 All of me?
 All of you. Every. Last. Delicious. Inch.
She breathed his name on a ragged sigh. Inside her bra, her taut nipples strained,
crying out for his touch. It was a completely new experience for her, to be seduced by
nothing but words and the brush of his hand on her arm. She didn t like to be touched.
At least she never used to.
 Turn around, Isa. His voice was gruff, but the hand he placed on her waist only
exerted enough pressure to encourage her cooperation.
She turned slowly and came face-to-face with his desire. His skin was flushed. His
eyes darkened with need. Against her stomach, he was hard. Very hard.
 Too bad what I have planned for you isn t something I m willing to do under my
parent s roof or I d lay you on that bed right there and satisfy my curiosity. Without
her permission, her eyes darted to the bed.  When I finally get you alone, with no one
to interrupt us, and nowhere we need to be& It isn t going to be fast.
His thigh slid in between hers, pressed at the pulse between her legs.  What I have
in mind for you is going to take hours. He had her pinned to the door, their bodies
flush. His mouth skimmed the muscle where her neck and shoulder connected. Bit
down lightly.
With a gasp, she streaked her hands up, fisted her fingers in his hair and pulled his
mouth to hers. A sound of distinct male satisfaction rumbled from his chest when she
sucked his tongue into her mouth and rocked against his thigh. Once. Twice.
Caught up in the flood of desire, the whirl of passion, Isabeau didn t think, she felt
 the roar of fire through her blood, the clutch of passion deep in her center. Releasing
her tight hold on his hair, she reached between them and cupped her hand over his
solid length.
He went utterly still. Grabbing her wrist, he lifted her hand and pressed it to the
door next to her head.
Noah buried his face in her neck and swore softly. What the hell was he thinking?
He never should have touched her. Never should have given in to the lure of her dark
skin against that pale dress. But he d been watching her for hours. Wondering.
Wanting. No way in hell was he going to be able to get any sleep now.
 What are we doing? he asked softly, then sucked in a sharp breath when she used
her other hand to cup him again.
 Do you really want a blow by blow? she asked, stroking him through his jeans.
Her hair brushed across his chin and her scent wafted up his nose. She tugged to
free the wrist he still held.  Isabeau, we can t. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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