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Deuce pinched her nipples, adding the tiniest bite of pain to her increasing
pleasure, and she gasped with the sensation. She moved against him, writhing,
searching out more bits of ecstasy. Damn it, she wanted more. Her pussy throbbed with
the need to be filled, spasming and practically begging for his cock, while her clit
trembled and twitched within her wet folds.
 You smell so good. You re hot and slick for me, aren t you, my Elly?
She whimpered.  Yes.
 Hmm&  His hands left her breasts and she whined, earning her a cocky smile
from her soon-to-be mate.  Let s finish unwrapping you.
His claws came into play again, slicing her jeans, rending the fabric with ease.
Then her panties suffered the same treatment until she was completely bared to his
gaze, cool air wafting over her heated flesh.
 Gorgeous. He was focused on her center and she could feel the weight of his
The urge to cover herself, slide her hands over her exposed breasts and pussy,
roared through her but she pushed it back. A large part of her wondered what a
gorgeous man would want with a chubby librarian, but his expression said it all. The
lion was hungry. For her.
 Scoot back, kit. He nudged her, urging her farther onto the bed, and she
complied, centering her body on the blanket and resting her back against the pile of
decorative pillows.
 Perfect, her mate purred.
Deuce prodded her thighs apart, positioning her legs as he desired until she was
spread before him. Her heart thundered in her chest, anxiety and desire battering
against each other as she waited for his next touch.
It wasn t long in coming.
No, her still-clothed mate knelt between her thighs, bringing his face level with
her exposed pussy.
He breathed deep and released the air with a moan.  Need.
Deuce leaned forward and nuzzled her inner thigh, his scruffy cheek scraping
against her supple skin. His lips grazed and danced over her flesh, easing closer and
closer to where she desired him the most.
Then& Then his tongue tapped her needy heat, slipping over the seam of her
soaked pussy in a barely there caress.
 Yes, Deuce. She opened her legs farther, silently enticing him to continue his
He eased closer, palms sliding along her inner thighs until she felt his fingers
play with her sex lips, stroking along the delicate aroused flesh. He teased her slit,
massaged her labia, and then delved into her in teasing strokes. With every touch, he
nudged her arousal higher, burning her from inside out. Up and down the seam,
gathering her cream.
She watched as he pulled two digits into his mouth and sucked them clean.
 Delicious, kit. Absolutely delicious.
His eyes blackened with need and, beneath her gaze, he leaned forward and
brushed his tongue against the top of her slit. He teased and tormented, the delicate
flutter taunting her with what could be.
Her clit twitched and throbbed, the promise of release so close yet so far. With
the next lick, he eased fractionally closer to the bundle of nerves. The following teased
the very tip of the nub. He slid over her pleasure spot and she cried out.
 There! There there there there& 
A chuckle rose from between her thighs.  Do you know how good you taste, kit?
All hot, sweet, and salty for me. He lapped at her clit, the tip of his tongue finding the
concentrated bunch of nerves with ease.
Lick. Lick. Flick flick flick. He repeated each caress, setting up a rhythm that her
body craved. Her pussy clenched and spasmed, aching to be filled with his cock. She
was desperate to feel him sliding in and out of her sodden sheath with an ever-
increasing pace.
 Fuck, yes. Please, Deuce. She cupped her breasts, kneading her flesh and
plucking her sensitive nipples.  Lick me.
Deuce growled in response, the vibrations traveling through her like lightning
and settling around her pussy, setting off nerve endings. Now he truly focused, tongue
tapping her clit in a steady rhythm, the constant pace easing her toward her release.
She pinched and plucked her nipples in time with his ministrations, drawing on
the pleasure he created with his talented tongue.
Suddenly fingers stretched and filled her desperate pussy.
 Fuck, yes! She rocked against his invasion, taking pleasure in his fingers.
 That s it, kit. Fuck yourself on my hand.
She snapped her teeth, her pleasure plummeting with the absence of his tongue.
 Back to it, furball. She released one of her breasts long enough to snap her fingers.
 Less talk, more tongue.
God, didn t men know to keep things going if she was gonna get to the finish
 Yes, ma am. He chuckled and lapped at her clit with a long, lingering lick.
 That better, mate?
This time she bared her teeth at him.
He got back to business.
Score one for the squirrel! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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