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Section 12.2.2 [p.152]
The last paragraph should read "Since the DTD defines the LINK element to be
empty..." (insert definite article "the" before "LINK").
Section 12.2.3 [p.152]
Just before section 12.2.4, the third bullet. "richer anchors names" should read
"richer anchor names".
319 24 Dec 1999 18:26
HTML 4 Changes
Section 13.3.4 [p.169]
In the paragraph that begins "In the following example...", the phrase "cause it
so be instantiated" should be changed to cause it to be instantiated" (change
"so" to "to").
Section 13.4 [p.171]
Just after the deprecated example, the sentence "This example may be
rewritten as follows with OBJECT as follows:" should say "This example may be
rewritten with OBJECT as follows:".
Section 13.6.1 [p.174]
Under the "coords" attribute, the word "and" should be substituted for the word
"a" so the sentence reads, "This attribute specifies the position and shape on
the screen."
Section 13.7.1 [p.179]
In the definition of the height attribute, the phrase "Image and object override"
should read "Image and object height override".
Section [p.197]
Under the subheading "Float an object", in the first paragraph, the first use of
the word "object" should be "objects".
Section [p.198]
In the "Deprecated" example, the first sentence should read "If the clear
attribute is set to left or all, the next line will appear as follows:" ("the" before
"next line").
Section 15.3 [p.202]
The align attribute for HR is not defined elsewhere.
Section 16.1 [p.205]
In the last sentence of the first paragraph, the word "though" should be
Section 16.3.1 [p.213]
In the second sentence, the word "factorizing" should be "factoring".
Section 16.4.1 [p.214]
The list of "attributes defined elsewhere" was inadvertently omitted after the
definition of NOFRAMES. These attributes are: class, id, lang, dir, title,
style, and the %events; [p.282] attributes.
Section 17.1 [p.219]
In "(entering text, selecting menu items, etc.)", add the "," after "text".
Section 17.5 [p.228]
In the paragraph that begins "Visual user agents may render...", the indefinite
article "a" should be removed from before the word "flat".
Section 17.12.1 [p.244]
A comma should be added between BUTTON and INPUT in the list of elements
that support the "disabled" attribute.
Section [p.248]
In the examples at the end of the section, change "Content-Disposition:
attachment" to "Content-Disposition: file". Also, in an earlier example, change
"server.dom" to "server.com".
24 Dec 1999 18:26 320
HTML 4 Changes
Section [p.253]
After the first example, the indefinite article before "content-type" needs to be
"a", not "an". The same applies to "content-type" in the next paragraph.
In the sentence beginning "Documents that do not specify...", the indefinite
article "a" needs to be removed from before "default scripting language
Section 18.2.3 [p.254]
In the first sentence of the first note, the word "realm" should be preceded by
the definite article "the".
Section 18.3.1 [p.258]
In the second sentence of the first paragraph, the word "be" needs to be
inserted between the words "only" and "rendered".
Section 21 [p.265]
In all DTDs, under the COLGROUP element, the content model should
indicate "COL", not "col".
In the comment about the %Scope entity, change "axes" to "headers"
Section 24.2.1 [p.300]
At end of definition of "thorn", remove stray final word.
Section 24.4 [p.308]
Change "cp-1252" to "CP-1252".
Appendix: Changes for tables [p.328]
In the paragraph on the COLGROUP element, the last sentence should read:
"The semantics of COLGROUP have been clarified over previous drafts, and
rules="basic" has been replaced by rules="groups"."
Changes to elements [p.327]
The list of deprecated elements should include S.
Section B.3.2 [p.336]
In "delimiter followed by a name character", change to delimiter followed by a
name start character".
Section B.4 [p.339]
Under "Provide keywords and descriptions", the middle of the sentence "The
value of the name attribute sought by a search attribute is not defined by this
specification." should read "search engine" instead.
Section B.4 [p.339]
In the example to indicate the beginning of a collection replace rel="begin"
with rel="start".
Section B.4.1 [p.340]
Remove "The name and the content attribute values are case-insensitive."
Section B.5.1.2 [p.342]
The last sentence of the last paragraph is missing a closing parenthesis.
Section B.7.1.1 [p.348] [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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