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13. If you do not make an effort to think about true sufferings and their midst of the nine kinds of being. By its power, you are able to bend
drawbacks, you will not properly develop a keen interest to work for all beings (to your good influence) without (recourse to) mesmeriz-
liberation. If you do not consider the stages whereby (true) origins ing glares. Knowing this, the holy ones have safeguarded, as they
of all suffering place and keep you in cyclic existence, you will not would their eyes, the precepts that they have accepted (to keep)
know the means for cutting the root of this vicious circle. Therefore, purely. I, the yogi, have practiced just that. You who also seek liber-
you should cherish exuding total disgust and renunciation of such ation, please cultivate yourself in the same way.
existence by knowing which factors bind you to its wheel. I, the
yogi, have practiced just that. You who also seek liberation, please 17. Patience is the best adornment for those with power and the perfect
cultivate yourself in the same way. ascetic practice for those tormented by delusions. It is the high-soar-
ing eagle as the enemy of the snake of anger, and the thickest armor
14. Ever-enhancing your enlightened motive of bodhicitta is the central against the weapons of abusive language. Knowing this, (the wise)
axle of the Mahayana path. It is the basis and foundation for great have accustomed themselves in various ways and forms to the armor
waves of (enlightening) conduct. Like a gold-making elixir, (it of supreme patience. I, the yogi, have practiced just that. You who
turns) everything (you do) into the two collections, (building up) a also seek liberation, please cultivate yourself in the same way.
treasure of merit gathered from infinitely collected virtues. Knowing
this, bodhisattvas hold this supreme precious mind as their inner- 18. Once you wear the armor of resolute and irreversible joyous effort,
most practice. I, the yogi, have practiced just that. You who also seek your expertise in the scriptures and insights will increase like the
liberation, please cultivate yourself in the same way. waxing moon. You will make all your actions meaningful (for
attaining enlightenment) and will bring whatever you undertake to
its intended conclusion. Knowing this, the bodhisattvas have exert- about how things exist [or, the wisdom penetrating the depths of the
ed great waves of joyous effort, washing away all laziness. I, the yogi, ultimate mode of being]. Then, with the sharp weapon of Middle
have practiced just that. You who also seek liberation, please culti- Path reasoning, devoid of extremes, they have used wide-ranging dis-
vate yourself in the same way. criminating wisdom to analyze properly and destroy all underlying
supports for their (cognitions) aimed at grasping for extremes. In this
19. Meditative concentration is the king wielding power over the mind. way, they have expanded their intelligence that has realized emptiness.
If you fix it (on one point), it remains there, immovable like a I, the yogi, have practiced just that. You who also seek liberation,
mighty Mount Meru. If you apply it, it can engage fully with any please cultivate yourself in the same way.
virtuous object. It leads to the great exhilarating bliss of your body
and mind being made serviceable. Knowing this, yogis who are pro- 22. Once you have achieved single-pointed concentration through accus-
ficient have devoted themselves continuously to single-pointed con- toming yourself to single-pointedness of mind, your examination then
centration, which overcomes the enemy of mental wandering. I, the of individual phenomena with the proper analysis should itself enhance
yogi, have practiced just that. You who also seek liberation, please your single-minded concentration settled extremely firmly, without any
cultivate yourself in the same way. wavering, on the actual way in which all things exist. Seeing this, the
zealous have marveled at the attainment of the union of calm abiding
20. Profound wisdom is the eye with which to behold profound empti- and penetrative insight. Is there need to mention that you should pray
ness and the path by which to uproot (fundamental ignorance), the (to attain it as well)? I, the yogi, have practiced just that. You who also
source of cyclic existence. It is the treasure of genius praised in all seek liberation, please cultivate yourself in the same way.
the scriptural pronouncements and is renowned as the supreme
lamp that eliminates the darkness of closed-mindedness. Knowing 23. (Having achieved such a union) you should meditate both on space-like
this, the wise who have wished for liberation have advanced them- emptiness while completely absorbed (in your meditation sessions) and
selves along this path with every effort. I, the yogi, have practiced on illusion-like emptiness when you subsequently arise. By doing this,
just that. You who also seek liberation, please cultivate yourself in you will, through your union of method and awareness, become praised
the same way. as someone perfecting the bodhisattva s conduct. Realizing this, those
with the great good fortune (to have attained enlightenment) have
21. In (a state of) merely single-pointed meditative concentration, you do made it their custom never to be content with merely partial paths. I,
not have the insight (that gives you) the ability to cut the root of cyclic the yogi, have practiced just that. You who also seek liberation, please
existence. Moreover, devoid of a path of calm abiding, wisdom (by cultivate yourself in the same way.
itself) cannot turn back the delusions, no matter how much you ana-
lyze them. Therefore, on the horse of unwavering calm abiding, (mas- 24. (Renunciation, an enlightened motive and correct view of emptiness)
ters) have mounted the discriminating wisdom that is totally decisive are necessary in common for (achieving) supreme paths through
either of the two Mahayana vehicles of (practicing) causes (for
enlightenment) or (simulating now) the results (you will achieve). [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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