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Baratay, Éric (1996): L Église et l animal. France, XVIIe-XXe siècle, Paris.
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Barloy, Jean Jacques (1974): Les animaux domestiques. Cent siècles de vie commune entre l homme et l animal,
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Benton, Janetta Rebold (1992): The Medieval Menagerie. Animals in the Art of the Middle Ages, New York.
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Thorsten Fögen
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Budiansky, Stephen (1994): The Covenant of the Wild. Why Animals Chose Domestication, London.
Budiansky, Stephen (1998): If a Lion Could Talk. Animal Intelligence and the Evolution of Consciousness, New
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Carruthers, Peter (1992): The Animals Issue. Moral Theory in Practice, Cambridge.
Carson, Gerald (1972): Men, Beasts and Gods. A History of Cruelty and Kindness to Animals, New York.
Cartmill, Matt (1993): A View to a Death in the Morning. Hunting and Nature Through History, Cambridge,
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Cavalieri, Paola (1999): La questione animale. Per una teoria allargata dei diritti umani, Torino (English trans-
lation by Catherine Woollard: The Animal Question. Why Nonhuman Animals Deserve Human Rights, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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