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about it, Amaranth? Let's go ahead and have a drink with the rookie and these two deadly vets."
Morgan and Tanzin sat. Still standing, Holt said, "Amaranth. What kind of name is that?"
Amaranth shrugged, a motion like giant forest trees bending slightly as wind poured off the
tundra. "It's a translation. Undying flower. My pop, he figured we'd get to emigrate to Kirsi and
he ought to name me that as a portent. My mom thought it sounded wrong with my last name, so she
politicked for Amaranth it means the same but doesn't alliterate and it stuck."
"Good name," Holt said. He introduced himself and put out his hand. Amaranth shook it gravely. The
other introductions followed. Amaranth's friend was Bogdan Chmelnyckyj. A server appeared and
drinks were ordered.
Holt couldn't help but stare then, when he first looked closely at Morgan.
"The hair really is red." She smiled at him. "Even redder than the Princess Elect's."
Holt shut his mouth and then said, "Uh." He knew he was making a fool out of himself, but there
didn't seem to be any help for it. He realized his heart was beating faster. This is ridiculous,
he told himself, feeling more than comfortably warm. He could smell her and he liked it. We're all
professionals, he admonished himself. Cut out the hormonal dancing.
It didn't do any good. He still stared and stammered and hoped that drool wasn't running off his
The other four seemed oblivious to Holt's situation and were talking shop.
" something's up, Amaranth was saying, as Holt tried to focus on the words. "I got that from the
file:///G|/Program%20Files/eMule/Incoming/Fred%20Saberhagen%20-%20Berserker%20Base.txt (75 of 107) [11/1/2004 12:00:27 AM]
debriefer after I set down at Wolverton. Wasn't that long ago tonight. I hit up four or five
grounders for information, but nobody'd divulge a thing."
"I have the same feeling." Tanzin said. She looked thoughtful "I called a friend of mine over at
the Office of the Elect. Basically, she said 'Yes,' and 'I can't tell you anything,' and 'Keep
patience something'll be announced, perhaps as soon as tonight.' I'm still waiting." She drained a
shot of 2-4-McGilvray's effortlessly.
"Maybe not much longer " Bogdan motioned slightly. The five of them looked down the bar. The
Princess Elect had returned from wherever her earlier errand had taken her and now stood talking
to one of the Malachite's managers. Then she snapped her fingers and two of the huskier members of
her entourage lifted her to the top of the hardwood bar.
For a moment she stood there silently. Her clingy green outfit shone even in the dim light. The
Princess Elect tapped one booted foot on the bar. A ripple of silence spread out until only
murmurs could be heard. The music from upstairs had already cut off.
"Your world needs you," said the Princess Elect. "I will be blunt. Effective now, the normal
political wranglings among Victoria, Catherine, Cythera, and all the rest have ceased. The reason
for this is simple and deadly." She paused for maximum drama.
Amaranth raised a shaggy eyebrow. "Our star's going to go nova," he speculated.
"There is an enemy in our solar system," continued the Princess Elect. "We know little about its
nature. Something we can be sure of, though, is that effective local sundown tonight, our
colonists on Kirsi found themselves in a state of siege."
The level of volume of incredulous voices all around the room rose and the Princess Elect spread
her hands, her features grave. "You all know that the few colonists on Kirsi possess only minimal
armament. Apparently the satellite station was overwhelmed immediately. At this moment, the enemy
orbits Kirsi, turning the jungles into flame and swamps into live steam. I have no way of
ascertaining how many colonists still survive in hiding."
"Who is it?" someone cried out. "Who is the enemy?" The hubbub rose until no one could be heard by
a neighbor.
The Princess Elect stamped her foot until order could be restored. "Who is the enemy? I I don't
know." For the first time, her composure seemed to crack just a little. Then it hardened again.
Holt had heard the Princess Elect was a tough cookie, in every way a professional, just as he was
as a pilot. ''I have ordered up a task force to proceed to Kirsi and engage the enemy. Ail pilots
are to be volunteers. All guilds and governments have agreed to cooperate. I wish I had more
information to tell you tonight, but I don't."
Again Holt thought the Princess Elect looked suddenly vulnerable before the shocked scrutiny of
the Malachite crowd. Her shoulders started to slump a bit. Then she gathered herself and the steel
was back. "Personnel from the Ministry of Politics will be waiting to brief you back at the port.
I wish you all, each and every one, a safe and successful enterprise. I want you all to return
safely, after saving the lives of as many of our neighbors on Kirsi as is humanly possible." She
inclined her head briefly, then leaped lithely to the floor, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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