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he goes home to his lodgings he can forget all about
being Prince Dimwit or someone like that. So the Over-
self, which cannot be comprehended in the third dimen-
sion, is the eventual entity of a human, and the Overself
sends down  tentacles or  puppets to gather certain
information. You might say that you have the head of a
detective agency who sits in his office and gathers in-
formation by his operatives, those operatives report to
him and give him a complete picture of that which he
needs to know.
Eventually, after eons of time, all the puppets come
together and form the complete entity of the Overself.
Question  What will happen to people who are in-
volved in Black Witchcraft? As it is a tool for self-gain
they must be creating bad kharma. Will they come back
as priests, etc.?
Unfortunately there is a lot of nonsense written about
magic, black, white, or any other colour. Most times the
black magic person is just living in a fool's paradise. He
or she has no power and cannot cast any bad spells, so
the only person being harmed is the black magician and
he is just being foolish, he is just delaying his evolution.
So if a man or woman is a stupid black magician in this
life, then that life is deemed to be wasted and the life
does not count. So he comes back and starts over where
he left on the life before the black magic one.
Of course if the black magician somehow causes harm
to another person then it is a black mark added to his
kharma and it has to be paid back, but don't wish the
poor fellow such a fate that he has to come back as a
priest or something because he won t be that important.
Question  I have practiced my psychic abilities and
though I am okay at telepathy I can't seem to acquire the
other abilities no matter how hard I try. How can I
find my purpose another way? Should I try? Also,
how can I find out how many more lives I have on
You say you are okay at telepathy but you cannot seem
to manage to do the other metaphysical things. Well, I
am going to put it to you quite plainly that we are not all
gifted in all branches of psychic stuff. Consider just the
ordinary, everyday life. As an example you might be able
to write, but can you draw? And if you can draw can you
write and do sculpture? Most people can do one or two
things entirely satisfactorily, but if they are going to excel
at all the metaphysical arts then they have to have train-
ing starting even before seven years of age, and while I
can do everything I write about I have other defects,
there are a lot of things I can't do, I can't paint, for
instance, I couldn't even paint the wall of a room with
whitewash. So we all have our skills, and we all have our
lack of skills, and the best thing we can do is to make the
most of what we have.
There are certain people we call a genius. Most times
such a person is exceedingly brilliant in one line only and
in other things he has, more or less, to be led around
because all his brain power goes to one specific subject to
the detriment of his general knowledge ability.
Question  People are paying a very large sum of
money for Transcendental Meditation. It is a type of
meditation that uses neither concentration nor contem-
plation. It is supposed to just happen when you learn
your mantra. I feel that I am more relaxed, etc., but you
suggest contemplative meditation. I agree with you as I
am a person who thinks about everything. Do you think
it is wrong to pay such large sums of money for a course
on Transcendental Meditation? My better judgment tells
me that somebody is making money out of me and I am
being foolish.
Personally I think that people are quite crazy if they
want to pay a lot of money for this Transcendental Medi-
tation stuff. I don't even know what it really means. To
me it is just a gimmick to get money out of people be-
cause you either meditate or you don't meditate, you
either walk or you run or you stay still. Now, if you are
going to look at a thing are you going to look at it with
goose eyes or are you going to look at it sensibly? Lets
start a new cult, shall we, and charge a big sum of
money. Let's tell people that they can see things better if
they look at it with goose eyes. Let's charge them a few
hundred dollars. Soon we shall be able to retire and get
away from it all.
The Germans, you may remember, used to do a march
called the Goose Step. Of course it was very pretty to a
distorted mind, but the act of doing the Goose Step was
most exhausting for the soldiers. Transcendental Medita-
tion for which I believe you pay a lot of money, is just,
in my opinion, a stupid gimmick. You don't need it. All
you need is . . MEDITATION. That is my honest opin-
ion for which you have asked.
Question  Can you see a person's aura in a letter or
on it? How much can you tell about a person other than
the words they write down? I feel really depressed be-
cause I don't know why I am here or where I am going
or who I am. Can you help me?
Yes, I can see an aura through a letter. It is by psy-
chometry, though, and that is not so clear as when seeing
the actual physical aura. If an aura is to be seen properly
and to be of any real use to a person, that person has to
be here with me in a room and at least twelve feet from
another other person, and the person must be entirely
without clothes. Not only that, he or she has to stay with-
out clothes for about half an hour while the effect of the
clothes wears off. After all, you wouldn't examine a paint-
ing if it was still in its wrappings, would you?
It really does amaze me how difficult it is to obtain
women to help in aura research. I understand that there
are some remarkable magazines which show  all and a
bit more, some of the illustrations, I am told, are nearly
good enough to be used as an anatomical text book.
Now, young women, it seems, are most happy to pose
definitely in the altogether if they can have themselves
photographed and the pictures circulated throughout the
world. But when it comes to helping aura research oh
dear, dear, no they take fright immediately!
I had a woman write to me and say that she was nearly
dying with anxiety to help me with aura research. She
was quite willing to take off her clothes and stand to be
examined or even photographed. She was apparently
willing to swear on a stack of Bibles and a stack of Play-
boy's and Playgirl's too. So, being old and foolish, I saw
the woman and no, nothing would induce her to part
with her clothes. She is another of the ones who told me
that she had made that offer as a method of getting to see
me, but she didn't stay long. It does strike me as truly
remarkable that some of these women nowadays will go [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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