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of grateful they went together.
Bobbi considered not asking, but Gray had never really talked about his parents
before. She knew they had died, but she had no idea how. Now her heart was breaking for
him. There was still sadness in his eyes now that he was thinking about. She wondered
what it might have been like to love your parents so much and to have them taken away.
Not that she hadn t loved her father; she just never really known him.
 It was a car accident, he supplied without her asking.  They had just picked me
up from the airport after boot camp. A semi hit the car head on. The driver had been
driving too many hours, fell asleep behind the wheel.
 You were in the car? Bobbi wanted to cry. How horrible that had to be, to be
present as the two people you loved the most in the world were ripped from you.
 That s where I got the scar. I was thrown for whatever reason. Mom and Dad
died instantly. Hey, don t cry, sweetheart. It s been a while. I m okay, I promise.
Had she been crying? She didn t realize.  Lay with me. She just wanted to hold
him. She wouldn t be able to take the hurt away, but at least she could let him know what
sharing his story meant to her.
To her vast relief, Gray shrugged out of his jeans and t-shirt and settled in beside
her. There was no passionate kisses, no heated touches. Just two people entwined
together in a moment of peaceful reflection. Bobbi wanted to stay awake as long as she
could to savor the moment. It was her last thought before she drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 13
 Man, this is some sick shit here.
Gray didn t spare Taggard a glance. It was hard being in the same room with the man
after he had come on to Bobbi. They had almost come to blows over it, but Taggard was
damn good at detecting things other people took for granted. And the man could track
anyone anywhere. For Bobbi, Gray would ask just about anyone to help out.
The truth was Gray felt the same way. The totally destruction of all of Bobbi s
clothes did not bode well. The bedroom was a mess. There wasn t anything among her
civilian clothing that was worth keeping. He could fix that, but he couldn t fix the
damage this had to have had on Bobbi s psyche. This guy had fixated on her for whatever
reason. Maybe because prior to meeting him, she wasn t didn t dating much. She had
probably never brought a man to her apartment. As much as that pleased him, it
apparently sent this dude over the edge when he had popped into her life.
 Find anything? Gray was frustrated as hell. The bastard hadn t left a single clue.
That didn t bode well either. Nor did the fact that the apartment facing Bobbi s from the
other complex was supposedly empty. The manager had even let them in. There was
simply nothing there. According to that manager, the apartment had been empty for close
to a year.
Gray didn t like it. They weren t dealing with the run of the mill stalker. This guy
had special forces type skills. Shit, this was really not good.
 Well, we might as well just start cleaning this crap up. another of his buddies,
suggested.  We aren t gonna find anything.
Gray had brought five guys with him this morning, leaving Bobbi asleep in his
bed. He had left a note, but he had wanted to be back before she woke up.
 Yeah, lets board up the window first, and then take care of the glass and trash.
We can take out the mattress and paint the wall last, Gray agreed. Thank the Lord Bobbi
hadn t noticed the slashes in her mattress with more vulgar words etched into the
material. It was made to look as though the mattress was bleeding, the white stuffing
spilling over the gashes looking suspiciously staged. Gray s fist clinched and unclenched
when he first saw it. His buddies had taken cautious steps back, seeing the seething rage
he was fighting like hell to suppress.
Not his woman. No one was ever going to hurt what was his and whether Bobbi
wanted to admit it or not, she was his.
Three hours and a lot of hoofing later, as they were just finishing up, Bobbi
herself walked into the apartment.
 What s all this? she stared at the now clean bedroom, frowning at the bed s
missing mattress.  Gray?
Almost simultaneously, the other guys decided now was the time to leave.
 See ya later, Gray.
 Yeah, man I gotta book. See ya Monday.
There were various other departing phrases, but Gray didn t hear any of them.
His focus was squarely on the woman who was supposed to be safe and sound at home.
He waited until the last of the footsteps faded from the stairwell.
 I have two questions for you. Don t answer the first until after I ve asked the
second Gray was proud he was able to keep the façade of calm. He was anything but.
 Did you not read my note? And how did you get here?
His note had explicitly asked her not to come here this morning. He had written
he was bringing a couple of guys from his unit over to look things over, and if she needed
to go anywhere, to take one of the two cars he was willing to bet a million dollars was
still in his garage. He knew she had read the note. It was taped on the mirror above the
sink. He also knew she wouldn t take the car there, although he had stated in said note he
had put the keys on her key ring.
 I, uh...Well, I thought I could help and I didn t really feel right about the car so I
took a cab. I had to come clean up the mess.
Gray blinked. She had to come clean up the mess? Did she really just say that?
 Follow me, Bobbi.
He didn t wait to see if she would. He stopped in the middle of the living room,
away from the fumes of the paint in the bedroom. He was right, Bobbi followed.
Well, it s now or never. She might balk at what he was about to do. She might
slap his face and never want to see him again. He didn t think she would though, and if
they were going to make this work, she had to know every part of him.
 Bobbi, do you trust me? I mean really trust me? Gray had to ask.
In spite of everything, the woman still thought she had to take care of this all on
her own. He couldn t live with that. She either trusted in him to protect her or not. He
couldn t force it.
 Yes, I trust you.
He wanted to weep with relief, but this was just the beginning.  Do you know
beyond a doubt I would never hurt you?
 Take off your clothes, Bobbi.
He held his breath, waiting for what she would do. He didn t have to wait long.
Without batting an eye, she stripped out of the ungodly tight jeans she had been wearing
last night and one of his t-shirts. She stood there without flinching, looking him dead in
the eyes.
That was his Bobbi.
 All of it, he pointed to her bra and panties. She had a total of four left, since
they were over at his place. He had counted. When they were together, Gray asked that
she not wear anything. Bobbi, being Bobbi, hadn t even questioned it. He would like to
think if he had been any other man she would have scoffed and been about her merry
way. That was just how she was. She didn t waste time arguing over anything, she did
what she wanted without apologizing or being coy. For whatever reason, she had never
questioned his requests; she did what he asked. Not because she was intimidated or
afraid, but she because wanted to. So why couldn t she get it into her thick head they
were made for one another?
He waited until she was completely nude before he made a move. He pulled his [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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