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Instead, he must face them all, since his road to safety, strange as it may seem, would
start from a Greek city.
 With these words from her Sanctuary the Sibyl of Cumae sang in the mountain her
fearful riddling prophecies, her voice boomed in the temple, and the earth howled as she
wrapped the truth in darkness... (Demonius est Deus Inversus).
So, the hero Aeneas began to beseech the Sibyl, he wept, and asked to be allowed to go
into the country of the dead, he wanted to descend into the abode of Pluto and said:
 Since they say the gate of the king of the underworld is here and here too is the black
swamp which the tide of Acheron floods, I pray to be allowed to go and look upon the
face of my dear father. Show me the way and open the sacred door for me. On these
shoulders I carried him away through the flames of the smoking Troy...
 Besides, it was my father himself who begged and commanded me to come to you as a
supplicant and approach your doors...was not Orpheus allowed to summon the shade of
his wife with the sound of the strings of his Thracian lyre? Do I need to speak of
Theseus? Or of great Hercules? I too am descended from highest Jupiter (Aeneas was an
Certainly, to descend into the Averno in order to work in the Ninth Sphere and to
dissolve the ego is easy, but it is dreadfully difficult to retrace our steps and to escape to
the upper air.  That is the task! That is the difficult labour!
Proserpine, the Queen of Hell and Death is certainly very capricious, and she always
ordains that an offering must be brought to her from those who visit her. This offering is
the golden bough, the golden branch of the tree of knowledge, with plenty seed.
Joyful is the one who finds this magic Tree (which, by the way, is not too far from us,
since it is the very spinal medulla). The doors of Pluto will be open to this one.
Whosoever wants to ascend must previously descend, this is the Law. The Initiation is
death and birth at the same time.
Magic Runes Samael Aun Weor
However, you who read these lines, let the dead bury their dead, but you go and follow
Whosoever wants to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and
follow me.
To deny the self signifies to dissolve the  I , to die from moment to moment, to reduce
the  Myself to dust from instant to instant.
To take up the heavy Cross of the Master upon our shoulders is something very
significant. The vertical pole of this sacred symbol is masculine, and the horizontal pole
is feminine. The clue of the Second Birth is found in the sexual crossing of these two
To follow the Lord from second to second signifies sacrifice for humanity, to be ready to
give even our last drop of blood for our fellow men, to immolate ourselves upon the
Sacred Altar of supreme love for the sake of all of our brethren of the world.
Now, Gods and mortals listen to me: The Sibyl and Aeneas penetrated into the womb of
the earth through the dreadful cave.
I place the Genie of the earth as witness, in order to solemnly affirm that before entering
into the Averno one has to pass through the Orcus (limbo). The Orcus is in itself a
vestibule where many abide, such as: white faced Diseases, horrifying, perverse Hunger
who is a corrupter of men, squalid Poverty, perverted Pleasures, murderous War, the
Furies, raving Discord with blood- soaked ribbons binding her viperous hair, Pain and the
idle dreams of the consciousness.
Here is where Aeneas found the stubborn dreams of people. Here is where he saw all
manner of monstrous beasts like Briareus, the giant with his hundred arms, the Hydra of
Lerna, who Hercules killed with mastery when cutting off all of its multiple heads, the
Chimaera of people, which is a monster with the face of a goat, the Gorgons and Harpies
(witches), etc.
The Orcus is the very throat of hell where the mysterious route, which conduces the lost
souls to the Tartarous (Infernal Worlds) commences.
Aeneas and the Sibyl, while seated on the boat of Charon, navigated on the waters of
Acheron and arrived to the other shore.
Aeneas also found Cerberus the demon of Gluttony, and Minos the inexorable judge, and
he saw the gloomy river, which nine times serpentines the Ninth Sphere, and the terrible
water-pools of Styx.
Within the Averno, the pitiful Aeneas found Dido the Queen who loved him and he was
able to embrace his deceased father.
Magic Runes Samael Aun Weor
Just few days ago, it occurred to me to visit the Temple of Chapultepec in Mexico again.
A certain sister was humbly bowing herself before the door of the temple, thus imploring
her admission. These types of sincere supplications are always heard.
Master Litelantes and I entered behind such a supplicant. Frankly, I cannot deny that I
advanced filled with profound veneration and devotion, walking upon my own knees, as
many penitents do. Thus, in this way, I ascended each one of the steps of the Sanctuary.
Litelantes entered very happy.... and a little bit playful. I had to become a little severe
with her and because of my attitude she became surprised.  Once inside the temple, I am
different. I said, addressing her.
A group of lunar people took advantage of this opportunity of open doors, poor people...
Litelantes and my insignificant person who has no value, felt ourselves so distinct to all
of those people who were dressed with lunar rags... Truly, how different are the Solar
What is astonishing is the way in which this lunar group advanced, without veneration,
without respect.
However, I could clearly and with complete lucidity comprehend that I should see such a
group with sympathy, since they were selected people and with a lot of merits.
Unfortunately, it was not an hour for a meeting, and the way in which these people
entered was not organized either.
The Superior Master of the Temple was severely grumbling at them and he even took
them out of the temple by singing in a very delectable language.. .thus, all of these people
had to withdraw.
I have remained reflecting upon all of this. The Love of Christ is formidable because this
lunar group is very sincere, even though these poor little ones have yet to achieve the
Second Birth. But they deserve to be helped, so the Lord takes care and cultivates them,
as if they were delicate little flowers from the greenhouse. Good opportunities will be
finally granted unto them in order to work in the Ninth Sphere. Then, oh yes, disgrace be
on them if they would fail in the difficult ordeal.
Since ancient times, the descent into the Ninth Sphere was the maximum ordeal for the
supreme dignity of the Hierophant. Buddha, Jesus, Dante, Hermes, Krishna, Quetzalcoatl,
etc. had to descend into the abode of Pluto.
Magic Runes Samael Aun Weor
Here is the cave where Cerberus, who is a prodigy of terror howls. With its barking, its
three enormous flat-nosed heads and with serpents writhing on its neck, Cerberus fills all
the defuncts with terror.
Those who died cheated by the poison of sexual passion dwell in those painful
profundities as did Evadne, Pasiphae and Laodamia... and also the poor Queen Dido who
swore to be faithful to the ashes of Sychaeus.
Here is where many heroes of ancient Troy live as did Glaucus, Medon, Thersilochus,
Polyboetes, and also Idaeus who was so beloved yet feared.
Here is where the terrible shadows of Agamemnon and Ajax and many other Acheans,
who fought against Troy are running and screaming, while reviving their life as if still
fighting on the fields of battle sprinided with sunlight. They still are inebriated with light
and blood.
Here is where the sinister city exists, encircled by a triple wall, and from where horrible [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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