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like the scream of a thousand souls. He grasped her thighs in a brutal grip and plunged into her,
his pelvis smashing into hers, hands bruising.
Andrew continued thrusting into her mouth; his hand shot out to grasp and hold one of
Logan's. Thus they were linked, the three wolves, forever.
She couldn't be alive; she couldn't. No one could hold such power, such pleasure, such
pain, and live. Logan's plunges into her enflamed her, pleasured her, terrified her. She sensed the
power gathering itself for something more, even more, as the pressure built, the friction from
Logan's cock throwing sparks of pleasure throughout the entire room. It could not be contained,
she was sure. The world would feel their power.
He grew inside her, and even as her throat accepted Andrew, her pussy pulsated around
Logan, pulling him deeper, urging him on, taking everything he could give.
She shrieked, the sound shooting past Andrew's cock, her orgasm arching her back and
finally calling forth her shift.
Andrew's scream joined hers as he was thrown from her mouth. He landed beside her,
jerking and convulsing with his own orgasm, and he too began to shift.
She began to shake with the force of the orgasm, claws popping from fingers, teeth
elongating, body changing.
Logan roared as he came with her, and the sound covered her, sank into her, became part
of her. The echoes bounced from the walls of her mind and sank like knives into her heart.
Blackness overtook her. Grateful, she rested.
66 Cassidy Hunter
Chapter Twelve
When she awakened, maybe a mere minute later, the cave was in chaos. Some of the pack
had shifted, some had not, but all were feeling the effects of the ceremony.
Kimberlyn sat up gingerly, dazed. Beside her, Andrew lay with an arm thrown over his
eyes, and Logan still lay half atop her. He opened his eyes even as she glanced at him, and he
stared at her solemnly.
She hadn't fully shifted, and had reverted back to human form when she'd fainted, but she
wanted nothing more in that moment than to shift and run. At least her mind did. Her body
rebelled at the simplest of movements.
Euphoria had her in its grip. Exhilarated, she flung her arms over her head and laughed.  I
know who I am, she shouted.
 You know your purpose, Logan said.  You know where you belong. All doubts are
gone. There is no confusion, no noise, no fear.
She looked at him, and only when he rose up and touched a fingertip to her face did she
realize she was crying.
 It's so perfect. I've never, ever felt so&  She shook her head, searching for the right
words. There were none.
 I know. He brought his finger, wet from her tears, to his mouth.
She sobbed at that, smiling through the tears. She was home. That was it. Stretching, she
yawned, then reached to push Andrew's hair from his face.  Wake up, Andrew.
He stirred at her voice and sat up slowly, glancing down between his legs as if to reassure
himself he was still intact.  What& wow. His voice was thick, his eyes dazed.  Did you know,
Logan grinned, his eyes hooded.  Not exactly. Come here, you.
Sanctuary 67
Andrew scooted toward him as Kimberlyn watched. Logan hooked a hand behind
Andrew's face and pulled him down for a quick, hard kiss.
She looked away. Maybe three really was a crowd. Watching them, it occurred to her that
she could never be as close to either of them as they were to each other.
 You're worried?
Kimberlyn looked back in surprise.  What?
 I'm getting something from you. You're suddenly not so happy.
She shrank back.  You're& reading my mind?
Logan shook his head and dropped his hand from Andrew.  No, you're unconsciously
shielding too hard for me to get more than a glimpse. What's wrong?
His face was suddenly hard, eyes dark and unreadable. He and Andrew both stared at her.
 When your urges have calmed, you remember that you don't approve of the physical
relationship Andrew and I have.
Her mouth fell open, and she looked wildly around at the pack.  That's not true at all! It
turned her on to see them together. She just didn't want him to know she was jealous.
She was being childish. She had a place here. They wanted her.
Andrew reached for Logan's hand, but Logan flinched away. Both of them stared at each
other. Andrew's eyes widened, and hurt shone from them like light from the moon.
Logan held out his hand.  Andrew& 
 No. It's& no.
Guilt stirred inside her.  Guys. I'm sorry. I never meant anything 
 Logan, there's something wrong with Ford. Elijah stood at the edge of the altar, and
Kimberlyn was surprised that she could hear him. She felt so insulated with her two men. Two
men she'd just hurt.
Elijah's gaze shot to her nude body, then shot away just as quickly. She flushed. It was a
little late for modesty now, but she crossed her arms over her breasts and bent her legs to hide
her still-throbbing sex. Logan and Andrew slid from the altar, unconcerned with their nudity, and
followed Elijah away.
68 Cassidy Hunter
The wolves still milled around with dazed eyes, some of them smiling at her shyly. One of
them, a young, blond male walked to the altar and held out a hand.  Can I help you down?
She shrank back.  No. Thank you. Uh, I need some clothes.
He raised an eyebrow and grinned.  Not in my opinion. What you three did, that
was& awesome. I've never felt anything like that before. He walked closer and leaned casually
on the altar, staring up at her with mischievous eyes.  I'm still hard. Wanna see?
 I see my shirt, there on the floor. Would you hand it to me, please? And my pants, if you
can find them& 
He made a production out of sighing deeply and handing her the clothes with a woebegone
expression on his face.  Dress, if you must.
 Planning on it, she muttered and slipped quickly into the somewhat tattered clothing.
Sliding from the altar, she ran to the gathering of wolves around Ford on the opposite end
of the room. Logan and Andrew knelt beside him, and Andrew was the only one to look up at
her. Logan's face was unmoving, and it hurt her to look at him.
 What's wrong?
Andrew shook his head.  He's dead.
 What? How?
 The overflow of power must have been too much for him. He's not breathing.
 No. I'll fix him. Her shift seemed easier this time, but that could have been because after
the ceremony, everything seemed easier, better. She closed her eyes and let her mind slide into
Ford's body. Her mind wandered, looking for a bit of life inside him. She found nothing and was
ready to give up when, finally, she felt that tiny spark, far off.
She looked up at Logan, giving a sharp yip. He's not dead!
 What? Andrew asked, his eyes liquid in his pale face.
Logan buried his fingers in her fur.  Can you fix him?
She stared at him.  I will try with everything inside me. I'm just not sure what to reach for.
I don't know what ails him.
As though he knew exactly what she was trying to say, he replied,  Try, Kimberlyn.
Sanctuary 69
She skimmed Ford's body, reaching once more for the spark she'd found. There you are,
gorgeous. She then realized that though she was in wolf form, inside him she was in human
form. How odd. How& good.
Wrapping her hand around the spark, she searched further. His mind was a black, arid
wasteland, completely closed to her. She could see nothing. Immediately her lungs constricted,
and she had to fight her desire to withdraw. How did blind people live without going stark raving
mad? Calm down, wolf. You're not smothering. Breathe. Breathe.
She took the spark of life with her, trailing it along like a kite string as she explored his
body. She could find nothing that would have him so near death. What was she missing?
Grinding her teeth, she made another pass over his body. Where are you?
Ford. Help me.
She went deeper. The sounds around her muted as she explored Ford's body in total
concentration. Come on, you fucker. Where are [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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