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he said,  I am waiting.
Kil and Dak merely rolled their eyes and groaned.
 Harrumph. Zor stabbed at a fire-berry fruit and raised it to his
lips.  As I thought.
Dak grinned at Kil as he raised his goblet oftaka juice and took a
large swallow. Sighing lustily, he asked,  Did Kyra s sweet juice ever come
in? She seemed worried about it last moon-rising.
 Hopefully by now, Zor replied in earnest.  I had to leave our
apartments early to go bark at the crystal guildsman this morn. Finally, will
he and his craftsmen have that promised suite ready in the south wing for the
young bucks.
Kil grunted.   Tis about time. I will have to leave to see to my
colonies the soonest and would like the warriors to come choose their servants
 For a certainty would the bucks like it as well. Dak shook his head.
 I overheard Gio complain to Cam that if he did not share of Muta s charms
with him, he feared his rod would fall off.
Zor chuckled.  The master guildsman did vow their suite would be ready
by this very moon-rising.
 Thank the goddess, Kil grumbled.  I ve enough of my own servants to
see to without listening to the constant lusty petitions of the new ones.
 You would even give up Myn without qualm? Zor asked bemusedly.
 Aye. Kil rolled his eyes.  She can all but put luscious Muta to
Dak s eyebrows shot up. He turned to Zor.  I did not know you gave Myn
to Kil.
 Aye, Zor answered dismissively.  Kyra would not have her in our
 Where is yournee ka anyway? Kil asked.  I ve yet to see her this
Zor shrugged.  I sent Cam to fetch her, which of course, the randy
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warrior was more than eager to do.
Dak chuckled wryly.  Think you  tis true that anee ka s breasts gorge
bigger thanmoosoos whilst sucklingpanis ? He shook his head.  I fear Cam will
spill his life-force at the very sight of Kyra if it is.
Zor grunted.
 Is it true? Kil sat up straighter in his chair, licking his lips
unconsciously as he regarded Zor.
 How would I know? Zor mused, his voice a rumble.  Zora and Zara are
my first hatchlings. Pondering the matter somewhat, he shook his head in the
negative.  Leastways, I doubt it.  Twould be a foul trick of the goddess
Aparna did anee ka s breasts nigh unto burst whilst her Sacred Mate is left
without his pleasures for the first fortnight of it.
Kil shuddered.  I do not know how you will manage without coupling for
a full two weeks.
 Kefas, Dak grinned.  Zor will be the cleanest High King ever to rule
* * * * *
Kyra and her breasts walked over to the bedchamber door to open it up
for Cam. He was knocking loudly, calling from the other side of it that the
High King desired her company over the morning repast.
Sporting a transparent whiteqi ka in honor of Dak and Geris s last
night in Sand City, Kyra stopped long enough to do a quick inspection of the
image she presented in the holo-mirror.Good grief .
Kyra didn t know whether to laugh or cry over her new, and thankfully
temporary, watermelon jugs. She had always been chesty, but this was on the
far side of obscene. Her breasts could put Ana Nicole Smith to shame. And her
cleavage good lord! As if it wasn t enough of a show walking around in aqi ka
that left absolutely nothing to the imagination, she now had enough cleavage
to drown ten men in.
Cam knocked louder, snapping Kyra out of her musings. Sighing, she
walked quickly to the chamber doors, not wanting the girls to get jarred awake
from their naps before she had a chance to eat. Throwing the doors open wide,
she smiled up to Cam.
 Good morn, Cam said affably,  I came to congratulate you on the
hatching of the High Princesses and to escort you to& to&  Noticing the High
Queen s chest for the first time, Cam swallowed roughly.  By the sands, he
Flushing scarlet, Kyra pretended not to notice his regard, or his
fierce erection.  Thank you, she replied brightly.  Shall we go? When the
warrior only stood there, gawking at her breasts and making no move to escort
her, she tapped him on the arm.  Cam?
 What? Oh, aye. Shaking his head to clear it, Cam forced his gaze from
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