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time, or any abnormal behaviours associated with sleep. Over 100 different sleep
disorders have been identified and every one can be caused by a different factor.
The most frequent disorders are: insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, restless legs
syndrome, snoring, sleepwalking and delayed sleep phase syndrome. Common
symptoms of a sleep disorder are: difficulty in falling asleep, daytime drowsiness,
loud snoring, fatigue, depression, anxiety and lower leg movements during sleep. It is
estimated that between 4% and 7% of the general population have some form of
sleep disorder or a sleep-related breathing disorder. Left untreated, sleep disorders,
and the resulting sleep deprivation, are likely to interfere with one s work, driving, and
social activities and have negative effects on physical and mental well-being. Sleep
disorders diagnosis is often based on a number of factors including: description of
symptoms, age and gender, medical and psychological history. Specialists claim that
the main cause of sleep disorders and difficulties connected with their treatment re-
sult from a complete absence of teaching about sleep at any level of the educational
system. There are, however, many things people can do in order to prevent existing
sleep disorders and to reduce the risk of developing one. Firstly, the risk factors pre-
disposing to sleep disorders have to be identified, and these are for instance: poor
sleep environment, anxiety, depression, or other mood disorder, excessive caffeine
or alcohol intake, smoking, use of certain medications, stressful situations such as
job pressure, shift work with rotating schedules, and obesity. Then, the necessary
changes to one s lifestyle have to be considered together with a physician.
1. What are sleep disorders and what are their main types?
2. What are the most common sleep disorders?
3. How are sleep disorders usually manifested?
4. How are sleep disorders usually diagnosed?
5. What can be done to prevent sleep disorders?
Exercise 2: Discuss the following points in pairs or small groups:
" Have you ever experienced any sleep problems? Describe their causes and
what you did to solve them?
" How do people usually deal with sleep problems? What do you do when you
cannot fall asleep?
" What would you advise a friend who has some kind of sleep disorder?
" What is the most unusual place in which you fell asleep?
" Have you ever overslept and missed something important?
" Tell your partner about your sleeping habits.
Exercise 3: Match the names of common sleep disorders to their short descrip-
This is caused by relaxation of muscles at the base of
Snoring the throat during sleep; results in loud snoring and
breathing difficulties.
A very common sleep disorder that keeps you awake
night after night and can lead to sleep deprivation.
A noise that disrupts your sleep and the sleep of any-
Delayed Sleep
one who is in the same room as you. It may also be a
Phase Syndrome
symptom of sleep apnea.
A disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepi-
ness and periods of muscle weakness called cata-
Sleep Apnea
plexy. It can cause accidents and injury from falling
asleep while driving or doing other dangerous tasks.
A disorder where the circadian rhythm seems to be
Restless Legs reversed. Nighttime sleeping is nearly impossible, and
Syndrome excessive daytime sleepiness interferes with the life-
It causes burning, itching, crawling sensations in the
S.A.D. - Seasonal
legs and the victim feels a need to move the limbs to
affective disorder
seek relief.
It is caused by a lack of sunlight during the long dark
Insomnia days of winter. It can often be controlled by bright light
Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer:
1. You're wide awake until the early hours of the morning but can't stay awake during
the day. You may have:
Jet lag Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome S.A.D.
2. The best treatment for seasonal affective disorder is:
Bed rest A good cry Sunlight or bright light
3. Snoring:
May be a sign of sleep apnea. Is controlled by sleeping on the back.
4. Jet lag is caused by:
Too much airport coffee. Long air flights across several time zones.
5. Cataplexy (severe muscle weakness) is one of the side effects of:
Sleep apnea Nightmares Narcolepsy
6. Sleepwalkers should be:
Protected from falls and other dangers.
Left alone to wander wherever they like.
Exercise 1: Read the text and answer the questions below:
Be active, or not?
It is widely known that physical activity and exercises are crucial components of a
healthy lifestyle. Scientists convince people that regular physical activity considerably
reduces the risk of dying of coronary heart disease, and decreases the risk for stroke,
colon cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Moreover, it helps to control weight,
contributes to healthy bones, muscles, and joints, helps to relieve the pain of arthritis, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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